Jimmy Calvert
Senior Pastor
I was called into ministry out of high school, specifically the music ministry. I did my undergrad work at Missouri Baptist University, graduating with a bachelor’s degree in Church Music. However, the rock n roller in me just couldn’t put on a suit and conduct a church choir. So instead, I joined a Christian rock band out of St. Louis and toured the country for 10 years as a drummer!
In 2005, with 3 kids in tow, my wife Elena and I moved to Houston to start fresh. It was here that my calling to ministry was renewed and I fell in love with the Methodist Church. I did my graduate work at Perkins at SMU and got my MDiv in 2020. I was ordained in the UMC in 2022. I love to tell people, the first half of my life I was a pro drummer. Now I’m a Methodist pastor. Weird huh?
I served a year at Missouri City FUMC as an associate pastor. Then in 2018 I was appointed to Onalaska FUMC as their Senior Pastor. Now at Grace Church, I am looking forward to all the adventures this congregation takes on. This is truly a church for all people, those who have it all together, and those that don’t. I typically fall into the second category!
I love to read and binge watch Netflix. I love trying new foods and discovering new bands. And I have recently taken up cycling - it’s a blast! My 3 oldest kids have moved out of the house, but our youngest (Legend) still lives at home. We have 2 dogs, Pickle and Pete. Life is good!