Welcome to Grace Church. We are the people of the second chance, which simply means we know none of us have it all together. And yet, God invites us to begin anew each and every morning! Each day is a chance to live and love like Jesus.
We are so glad you are here and are interested in learning more about our community. Grace offers two services to choose from during the week and midweek activities to keep you connected. Some of them are different and may appeal to you in a different way. Worship at Grace is open to everyone and we don't have a dress code. Whatever you want to wear is fine with us. We try to be real, honest and down to earth people who seek after God.
Our Worship Services
Contemporary Services Sundays at 10:30
Our contemporary service features a live band, a highly relevant message, and a warm and inviting atmosphere. All services are held in our main worship center. Dress is casual and faces are friendly so come early to grab a kolache or donut before the service. Holy Communion is celebrated every Sunday. This service is on Facebook Live for those who cannot join us in person.
Mid-Week Activities Wednesdays at 6:30
Not everybody can make a Sunday service work for them. Jobs and family obligations sometimes get in the way of worshipping on Sunday. Other times you want something different from the Sunday experience. Wednesday evening offers you both. MidWeek offers bible studies and activities geared for young and old alike. Check our ministries page for more info.
Meet the Pastor
After each morning worship service, join Pastor Jimmy in the front outside the main entrance. It's a great way to get to know the pastor. If you would like to set up an appointment to talk, that's a good time to schedule it or you can call the office at 903.723.6143.
Join a Small Group
You can’t do life alone. We believe that all Christians are called into community with one another as we learn and grow together in Christ. An important part of that discipleship happens in our Small Groups. Find one that fits your needs and join today. Contact Brandy Dudley for more information. 903.948.7432.