As a United Methodist Congregation, Grace Church operates on a simple notion found throughout the Bible: That God is not mad at us. In fact, the cross tells us that God is absolutely crazy about every. single. person. He graciously invites us to trust and follow the way of Christ which leads to abundant and eternal life. So with that simple idea, we invite you to Grace. We promise not to waste your time, but to give you meaningful worship, life-giving messages, and a family to belong and serve. Welcome Home! Welcome to Grace!
Mission Statement of Grace Church
Grace Church exists to be a home for people who, like Zacchaeus, have never felt welcome among God’s people,
yet have a deep desire to get a glimpse of the one who comes to liberate the world.
Our strategy to fulfill our mission:
Give generously | Receive guests like family | Attend worship every week
Connect with each other outside of worship | Extend an invitation to someone every week
“In essentials, we have unity. In non-essentials, we have liberty. In all beliefs, we have charity. ”
A Brief Look into Our History
Grace Church was founded in 1897 and originally named Methvin's Chapel after it's founding pastor, Alex Methvin. But after a move to Howard Avenue, the name was changed to Howard Ave Church (mostly because people couldn't pronounce Methvin without spitting). After another relocation to Kolstad and Queen Streets, it was renamed Grace. For years, Grace served the community in that location until 2000 when it relocated to property near Loop 256 around Palestine. In 2013, when the church outgrew its facility, Grace purchased the former Meadowbrook Country Club and relocated. Today, we are located at 2130 Country Club Road and have great plans for the future!
The country club had been shut down, but Grace entered a long-term lease & partnership with the Palestine ISD to run the golf course as a public course. PISD also uses the golf course as a learning lab to teach its students business, marketing and golf course management for college credit. This is the only partnership of its kind involving a religious organization, public school and golf course in the nation.